Porn sperm lubricants

Creativity, sexuality, and kinkiness are all words associated with Porn Sperm and its erotic products range. If you haven’t tried any of the brand’s lubes, be sure to do so immediately. The Porn Sperm Artificial Sperm lube is a signature product for the label and a fantastic place to start. Easy to use? Yep. Looks like real sperm? Indeed. Dermatologically tested? You bet. Plus, the products all come housed in naughty and extra sexy packaging. The brand’s high-quality and luxurious items will undoubtedly have you coming back for more after each purchase.

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Porn Sperm Artificial Sperm
Sold Out
US $19.95

AVAILABILITY: In stock (8 items)

PRODUCT TYPE: Lubricants

VENDOR: Porn Sperm

Lubricant looks like real sperm as seen on (Pay-) TV. Perfect for those who enjoy being covered in sperm and need some slippery lubrication. You can use artificial sperm as a lubricant, perfect for private or professional erotic shoots. Great...